Week 5 Studio & Entrenpeurship

Still procrastinating as far as the business plan goes. Whilst not at the Isle of Wight Festival- Graphics on the Pet shop boys set was superb, I missed out on seeing them play in the 90’s so went along specifically to watch them. I enjoyed the moment and didn’t get my phone out to take a dodgy film of it to upload to social media, which fits in with my project, in a loose kind of way…experiencing the real. It perhaps fits with part 2 of the workshop challenge; collaboration, great motion graphics that worked incredibly with each song played, and told the story perfectly. Although probably not an historically significant piece of work, I’ll have to keep looking for that. I looked up the designer and discovered Luke Halls Studio.

Pet Shop Boys – Dreamland – Luke Halls Studio

I have been putting off writing again, and this time thinking about the design of my business plan and names; Curiosity & Smile. Initially I thought the CS could make a bit of a face, but thought it looked rubbish, not cute and not funny, almost rather scary. So I got away from the faces, and was thinking about what Sally had said on the ideas wall with the….

Not funny, cute or in anyway good. Positively wrong and ugly.

They have gone to creepy faces to strange bowling balls so probably need a bit more work. I want continuity in each page of the business plan and the pitch, so will continue playing with them for a while, and maybe go back to the face, but try to make it work better, the word ‘curiosity’ made out of dots kind of works.

Group Crit useful in unexpected ways

Since my waffling and poor presentation at the group crit, nothing new there, I have been thinking about other people’s work and the feedback given, and how it can help me. When Briony was talking about setting up community libraries in Bournemouth, my thoughts returned to the bears and reaching people offline, through different community spaces. There are many such libraries on the Isle of Wight, old bus stops seems to be a common feature. Initial thoughts go to producing a sticker or poster that can be pasted into the community libraries, I could also include council libraries that always have a notice board.

Then thinking about the community libraries that are in bus stops, my thoughts went to all the bus stops on the Island, how many people uses busses, and have to wait about until the bus comes, not always scrolling, but sometimes looking about. I am sure the local bus company would have some advertising rule about this, but maybe worth looking into, and not thinking about traditional bill board bus stop advertising. I am curious to know how many bus stops there are on the Isle of Wight, a quick google search comes up with nothing helpful. I have thought about counting the number of bus stops on an ordinance survey map, or going through all the timetables and counting up the stops. this will not only be time consuming but also boring, and knowing myself not particularly accurate. Perhaps a call to Southern Vectis, somebody there should surely know- probably being totally irrelevant and yet more procrastination distracting me from the task.

Going back to the business plan, and pitch and visual identity I totally changed the logo, i included the ‘&’ felt what i was doing looked a bit like the ‘&’, so have ditched the face and the bowling balls for just words, I’m happy with it for the time being. but also quite like the CS ones in the first picture.

I was slightly concerned that the IOS in the middle stood out and would make people think i am providing Iphone Operating Services. I chanced the weight of the path to 2 points and think I’ve overcome this issue,

I have added my acrostic Bioem, the biographical Poem that will entice people to find out more, to be featured in business plan and website. May well change as I’ve just notices the word ‘something’ is a bit too prevalent

Possible changes

Stuff to see?

Substance to see?

n.b. Naomi Baisley just needs to play

Talking of playing; OOH is short for out of home advertising, how could I not look up ooh lala!

Best look up ooh too

And some more statistics and charts

Also thinking about the Instagram-able nature of a ‘one off’ installation or artists mural- and how a carefully organised Instagram post with an influential celebrity could add to the campaign.

IPA-Databank-Study-RapportWW.pdf (brand-news.it)

Looking at this 45% of gen z are likely to buy into celebrity endorsement.

55 % of gen z also say billboards showing dynamic content capture their attention

If there is a cross over in these (the same people) we could be on to a winner- although I am not sure how to go about finding out if the 45% are some of the same people of the 55%- or if together they make up the 100%, and those who go with the billboards seriously dislike celebrity endorsement!

I have also discovered the importance of QR codes for monitoring site traffic particularly with gen z, it doesn’t just take the users to the site but provides important analytical stats for the advertiser.

Helpful Tutorial

An extended (because no one else was waiting) tutorial with Frauke has finally cemented in my head what is expected- that is until a pneumatic drill comes along and smashes it to tiny pieces that crumble do dust before my very eyes.

Writing, writing, writing, writing, and some more writing the ever evolving plot thickens to waffle batter and burns its bum on the grill pan.

How do you calculate your freelance design rate? – The Design Trust