Histories and Futures week 3

Nots on the back of a booklet, note to self, take a notebook next time!

Write up from first visit;

I caught Brian as I went in, he was chatting to one of the shop keepers in the arcade, but was very happy to to come down into the museum and chat to me. He had just been donated a Dictaphone, which I noted would have been useful for me as I couldn’t keep up with him. He is an absolute talker, and noted at the end of our conversations that people always leave with a smile, he is a friendly amicable person, who since covid gets slightly muddled with things.

Brian is in his 70’s, although looks ten years younger. He gave a brief outline of his working life, as a telecoms engineer, being made reductant when new technology came in making his role obsolete, and moved the the Island 25 years ago.

I didn’t get many photos, and my notes are scarce (I really could have used that dictaphone).

He handed me the leaflet above, and started talking, I asked about the dragon and where it came from. He informed me that it is not a dragon, but a Rydeosaur. He has two in possession of the museum, there are a further 38 on the shelters on the pier. I am now on a mission to walk the pier until I find all 38.

Interesting I had already photographed the modern and historic shelters on the pier, perhaps a premonition.

He is repainting the two he has to look the red/brown colour they would have originally have been. The Rydeosaur is called Cyril. He obtained the two for the museum at an auction in Brading for £60 each, they had been taken off the pier to make way for a drain.

Brian first came across the Rydeosaur through the Historic Ryde Society, where he has seen the painting by local artist Lynne Phillips, she painted it in 2009. He was so delighted by the painting that he made further investigation. She also pained one of the figurines hanging in the arcade.

Brian has been mayor of Ryde, at one point Mayor of Ryde had no Regalia, the Mayor would appear at functions in a suit, and blend with other people in suits. Brian took it upon himself to ensure the regalia (masonic routs) they were being made at local jeweller. Brian insisted that the mayoral chains include the Rydeosaur, and it does now have two facing each other round the mayors neck. Made in 2010.

There has been much discussion about what type of creature it is based on, many have been rued out including pheonix, Griffin, dragon, and

He kept telling me off for calling it a dragon.

It was designed by Walter MacFarlane at Sarrison Ironworks in Glasgow.

We spoke about museum finances, and how long the museum can keep going, at the moment they can run until the summer, and they are hoping for a good summer. I know this project isn’t necessarily about helping the museum, but it would be nice if I could in some way.

I noticed a link to the Hovercraft on the museum website and asked about that, the Hover company did donate around £2000 when the museum opened. A few years ago they were going to do a joint promotion for all the museums of Ryde, but a certain museum owner (Donald McGill postcard museum, JBT- my employer!) got greedy and so sadly it didn’t amount to anything.

Contacts at Hover Travel; CEO Neil Chapman. Marketing Lauretta Lale. (depending what I come up with)

A very reassuring chat with Richard Little from the ASK team.

Next Steps

Visit Records Office (Friday) with focus on the Royal Victoria Arcade and the Pier, not so much maps as originally thought (perhaps they will wait for MA question?)

Look into Walter MacFarlane of Saracen Ironworks Glasgow

Investigate Lynne Phillips, local artist who first painted Cyril- see if she is still alive and is so try to arrange a meeting. Think of some questions

Try to locate all 38 Rydosaur on the pier.

Talk to Brian Harris again, this time record him with a voice recorder, notebook and questions about dates.

Investigate the Mayoral Regalia, see if I can take a look and a photo? The current mayor is retired head teacher of my three daughters primary school, a very nice men- I doubt if he keeps it at home, it’s probably in the town council offices.

Saracen Foundry – Wikipedia

Walter Macfarlane & Co (fl. 1850-1965), foundry, a biography (glasgowsculpture.com)

Walter Macfarlane & Co – Times Past – Glasgow Life

Records of Walter MacFarlane & Co Ltd, architectural iron founders, Possilpark, Glasgow, Scotland – Archives Hub (jisc.ac.uk)

TheGlasgowStory: Saracen Foundry

Mackintosh Architecture: Biography (gla.ac.uk)

TheGlasgowStory: Walter Macfarlane

Notes in the night

Overtoun Park Jubilee Fountain | Memorial Drinking Fountains (wordpress.com)

Illustration from the “Illustrated Catalogue of Macfarlane’s Castings, Seventh Edition, Volume 1. issued by Walter Macfarlane & Co., Saracen Foundry, Possilpark, Glasgow. n.d. [c. 1910]

Promenade Pier. Walter Macfarlane Ironwork | Illustration fr… | Flickr