Week 4 Studio and Entrepreneurship

Design Development

Languages spoken in Europe making vertical bars of a cage, each bear is separated by a bear within a bear. I used this font to further emphasised the ‘bars’

Thinking about how the bears could sit behind the bars, I think the bears behind need to be different to the bears on the bards. Below, how the bars could be used in a window with LTD edition prints/images/textiles hanging behind.

44 countries in Europe according to the United Nations (50 if I include those that have land mass but not capital cities in Europe)

24 Official languages, up to 200 unofficial languages.

Words historically associated with bears in Europe. Thinking of opposing words; Passive, Fragile, humble. Not keen on the bear visuals but will probably do something with the words.

Another thing I have been playing about with is lino and 24 bears, to represent the 24 official languages.

Thinking of different types of chains and hiding the name of the bears within the chains.

This is quite satisfying for me. From a distance the words ‘power, strength and majesty’ can be quite clearly seem, the bars of the cage get lost- but when you are closer to it you can see the bars of the cage, with bear written in lots of different European languages. I think this would work well in a space where people can see from a distance, but are also able to step closer.

I think I need to recreate the letting behind so that it incorporates some of the bear shapes, in the hole for the ‘o’ for example, and I am not entirely sure I like the words- but I guess it is eye catching and would make people want to find out what it is all about.

Could also add along the bars information on how to donate money, a QR etc- but nothing that is going to interfere with the overall look, which would distract people from wondering what it is all about.

Painted and block printed fabric behind the bars, it does not have the immediate impact of the words. Although if the bears printed were very tiny, it would look like a flat colour from a distance, and become clear as the view came closer, like a pointillist painting and the words on the bars.

Change of Plan for Plan..

After rereading the brief I have made a slight change of plan for my outcomes.

1 Business plan which includes my real situation, with focus on bear project

2 Pitch (not customer journey) I feel this will be more useful to me in the future

3 Live space poster/exhibition/purchasable item

Thinking about my Bio, for website and business plan I have decided to write an acrostic poem. Still working on this, but its getting there.