Week 2 Studio and Entrepreneurship

After Thursdays Webinair and then Fridays tutorial I decided to broaden my business Idea to be able to include the type of things I have already designed on the MA, my original idea omitted these, which seems rather counter intuitive.

I am not a business person and my head swims with nothing and fuzz at the thought of writing one, blind panic you might say.

I decided that, rather than make up something fictional it would be far more use to me to actually write something that reflects what I would like to do when I finish the MA.

I spent the weekend with a blank mind and sleepless nights stressing about the business plan. Mostly with the thoughts of how to get clients, and why would anybody want to pay me for work anyway. I am not in the position of having any clients already as I am new to graphic design, I also considered making a plan and thought back to my days of having children, and birth plans, and how you can plan all you like but it doesn’t mean it will happen, as life has a funny way of scuppering plans.

I also asked myself…

Why does it have to be a

I am finding the word ‘problem’ problematic. Problem denotes negativity, that something is wrong, that there is an issue, I am not mad keen on the antonyms of problem either, and need to think of a better description.

Although the mathematical definition is probably workable

I should probably also research procrastinate, as that is what I seem to be doing here, although I do very much like the origin of the word problem;


late Middle English (originally denoting a riddle or a question for academic discussion): from Old French probleme, via Latin from Greek problēma, from proballein ‘put forth’, from pro ‘before’ + ballein ‘to throw’.

I just don’t think I can do it…

And then on my dog walk (my thinking space) I get to thinking about my mum, who ran her own business and needed to re-mortgage to enable her to start- her business was highly successful (not design related, but looking after cats), but I know with out a doubt she would have found writing a business plan an impossible task- she would have used an expert.

Real life situation, if I was starting my own business I would employ an accountant to not only only do taxes, but also to write the business plan. Not wanting to fail the course for cheating/plagiarism or any other such thing , it does however make me feel less despairing and is worth a thought

5. Public and private funding for cultural and creative sectors | The Culture Fix : Creative People, Places and Industries | OECD iLibrary (oecd-ilibrary.org)

Section two: Why invest in local culture? | Local Government Association

Introduction | Arts Council England

Contribution of the arts to society and the economy – House of Lords Library (parliament.uk)

I wrote a poem between modules, called vagaries, I didn’t have time to fully illustrate it, but did have an idea of what a vagarie might look like.. watercolour and digital

So my thing could be poems with illustrations and toy/pin badge or something along these lines, this would be cool, but the plan feels like a mountain getting in the way of my ideas, having to monetise and justify and look at competition and profit forecast. I keep looking at it then adding buts and realise I’m waffling, but may as well add what I have so far.

Very Helpful Tutorial with Frauke

Plan is now a project idea

Marketing middle bit is customer journey

Artifact is a keepsake to help the bears,

Happy with that

Investigating bears and their symbolism in Europe

The bears of Chauvet Cave

Animal remains were uncovered at La Grande Rivoire rock shelter in France not too long ago. Among them was the lower jaw bone of a presumably male brown bear five or six years old that displayed a “peculiar deformation”. Consequent analysis showed that this deformation strongly suggested that bears were tamed and tethered as early as 6.000 BC and possibly traveled alongside the early itinerant hunter-gatherer communities.‘ Pelin Tünaydin

Neolithic Bear stamp found in Türkiye,

The Bears of Chauvet Cave — Google Arts & Culture

The Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave (culture.gouv.fr)

Pawing_through_the_History_of_Bear_Danci.pdf (bearconservation.org.uk)

Very interesting read on the history of bear dancing in Europe. This long standing practice started to become controversial in the 18C, with strong association with Gypsy communities, who were unwelcome, particularly in the UK, the practice continues in Russia, a close neighbour to Azerbaijan where the bears are currently caged. Bear dancing has been slowly outlawed across Europe since the mid 18C, right up to 2000’s when bear walking and dancing abolished in Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Romania, where it was most prevalent.

3 Bear stamp from Turkey found in Çatalhöyük (Çatalhöyük 2005)  | Download Scientific Diagram (researchgate.net)

Dumneazu: The End of the Dancing Bears (horinca.blogspot.com)

The cruel history of dancing and performing bears in Europe and Asia | Daily Mail Online

Do dancing bears still exist? (worldanimalprotection.org.uk)

The People Who Support Animal Causes: Descriptive Results – Faunalytics

Role models | The Animal Kindness Index | RSPCA – RSPCA – rspca.org.uk

15m people donated to animal charities last year (cafonline.org)

“Animal” vs “human” charities: What type of people prefer which? | YouGov

The customer journey map and why it’s important (adobe.com)

Chris Packham popularity & fame | YouGov

According to Yougov Chris Packham is liked by 79% of the population- He has connections with the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary and his followers could buy into my artifact to raise money for the bears.


Chris Packham (@chrisgpackham2) • Instagram photos and videos Chris Packham has 549K followers on Facebook and 170K on Instagram- how to tap into those followers?

The Wild heart Animal Sanctuary has 18K followers on Facebook and 8.3K followers on Instagram