Week 1 Studio & Entrepreneurship

Deciding what to design??

It feels as if I need to decided what I am designing before embarking on a business plan, as what I design will inform the outcome of the business plan.

I thought about designing something more conceptual than the previous module, and was going to look at the human ego and our relationship with nature and other species and our place in the universe. I was thinking about something that could be used for ‘grounding’ and bringing back to and reminding us of nature, when human modern life becomes too much. I considered something held in the hand that could be stroked, perhaps made from natural clay, I also considered seeds and soil to be planted and nurtured to bring humility to the user.

I spent time thinking about designing something useful and first off thought of designing a ‘Pooch Pouch’ a stylish bag for all your dog walking needs, with a sealed area to carry full poop bags, a poop bag despenser, separate areas for treats/phone and keys- on further investigation I discovered that this has already been done, I wasn’t too keen on the aesthetics of the ones I came across, but realised that it would just be a redesign rather than something new.

I ruled out designing a pair of soft wearing sound proof ear defenders for sleeping, a useful item for those with sensitive ears who want to block noise without an internal earplug-

I considered designing a blanket made from all natural fibres and inspired by natural forms, including natural sheep fleece lining, this would keep the user warm reducing heating costs so be beneficial to the environment.

Whilst sorting though boxes for my house move I thought about designing something to archive historical family documents and artifacts, this would potentially be a fancy filing system, storage box or digital upload- I didn’t want to go digital with this project, and concluded that anyone with boxes of family history would need a bespoke individual service as everybody’s archive would be different. A possibility?

I thought about repurposing, perhaps making keepsakes from old wedding dresses, having found both mine and my mums whilst sorting the house. In a previous job many years ago I worked for a small toy manufacturer and designed and made two traditional jointed bears from an old mink coat that had been inherited-the owner didn’t want to wear them, or throw them away- the bears allowed her to remember her relative without the controversy of a fur coat. It was horrible to work with, but she was happy with the result.

Whilst looking at the workshop challenge I looked up the the studio that did the rebrand for the RSPCA, and discovered JKR agency. I also looked up the agency that rebranded cats protection in 2023. I thought about animal welfare closer to home and looked at the Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, this was formerly the Isle of Wight Zoo, but in recent years has become a sanctuary and retirement home for animals that have been cruelly kept captive for the entertainment of people in circuses and other unpleasant establishment across Europe. In recent years the sanctuary has rescued lions and tigers so they can live out their remaining time in peace without torture and cruelty. Currently there is a fundraising drive to enable the sanctuary to make a suitable habitat to rescue two bears, kept in a cage with concrete floors in a restaurant and fed scraps by patrons of the restaurant. If I could design something to aid fundraising to help the bears that could be a good thing, for a business plan this would mean the profits would go to the sanctuary.

Careers & Job Openings | We’re Hiring | JKR Agency – JKRGlobal

For Every Kind | RSPCA – RSPCA – rspca.org.uk

LUKECHARLES | Award winning design & branding

Cats Protection: Re-brand | LUKECHARLES


The age of waste: five designers modelling a ‘circular economy’ | Design | The Guardian

The 30 designers turning waste material into new products – ICON Magazine (iconeye.com)

I could combine the styling of both the RSPCA and Cats protection rebrands with a repurposed item made from waste from either the home or manufacturing.

Earth Symbol pendant to ground the wearer and remind us of our responsibility towards Earth. In display box of reclaimed or recycled card.

This pendant design could potentially be used in conjunction with ‘Earth Day’. they have their own Earth day logo, which I wouldn’t want to use.

Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG

I love the simplicity of symbols and symbolism, and decided to look up the symbol for Earth, not disappointed with this courtesy of NASA;

Solar System Symbols – NASA Science

Thinking about materials I thought ceramics would be great to represent earth, as it come from the Earth, and although is is not recycled or recyclable can apparently one of the greenest materials to work with:

How Eco Friendly Is Ceramic, Really? – Eluxe Magazine

How to make your pottery practice greener (craftscouncil.org.uk)

Ceramic Jewellery | Karen Howarth Ceramics (bigcartel.com)

Fair Trade: Jewelry | Trade for Change | Global Mamas