Skills and Making

Interesting information this week, it all stuck a chord with me and made me really think about the ‘list’. Should it be personal attributes or technical? Perhaps a list for both. Below is my first jumbled list, note; feeling negative due to missing cat (7 nights and counting), might be impacting on my answers- is this emotional ‘vulnerability’ something that should be on the list- how things happening outside of the task/work can affect our responses.

Also interesting thoughts on the ‘side hustle’. After watching the responses I currently feel that doing this course is a bit like a side hustle to my regular work, and weirdly just prior to week 8 popping open, I was thinking about what will happen when the course finishes. Will I go and work for a studio? Or continue making globes, as my bread and butter money, with other more interesting work on the side (the cheese and olives)? At the moment the second option seems more appealing and flexible, but maybe it’s the safe thing, the stuck in a rut thing! I know if I am just making globes after this it will definitely feel like a rut of oblivion. Who knows, only time will tell.

Initial scribble list

My initial sketch of my skills/gaps model


Need a few more words for the 100%, but that is the problem gap. I don’t actually think its ever good to think you’ve 100% nailed it (another one!) If I ever think I’ve got to 100% it’ll mean I’ll stop looking for improvements or adjustments or tweaks or differences, perhaps ‘that will do’ is a better state of mind?

A bit neater with Illustrator, and playing with some letters, The nail is the T

Playing about with After Effects, one of my ‘gaps’

How do we say ometer, ‘Oh’meter ‘O’metre?

The confidenceOmeter is something like a learning curve, on a typical graph showing a learning curve the line will go up and down as learning is retained and then forgotten, then learned again before it becomes secure and we feel confident. We then start learning the next thing, or a new thing, be it technology, history , or writing an academic document… even uploading my short animation to this site! Then if we don’t use the things we have learned they get stored, and sometimes have to be relearned. eg, when I was a child I learnt the flute, wasn’t too bad at it and managed to get a grade 5 (didn’t go further because of the theory element, at the time I was unaware of my dyslexia) Anyhow, I went to pick it up and play a few months back, and could barely play the simplest scale. It’s in there somewhere, and could be retrieved if I had the inclination, but I’m back to ‘Oh Help’ with it, when I was previously at ‘That will do’.