Author: naomibaisley

Skills and Making

Interesting information this week, it all stuck a chord with me and made me really think about the ‘list’. Should it be personal attributes or technical? Perhaps a list for both. Below is my first jumbled list, note; feeling negative due to missing cat (7 nights and counting), might be impacting on my answers- is […]

Research and Theory

Answers to questions in the lecture My definition of the word research; To find out and explore The last time I researched, before staring this course, was when doing the Harry Potter globe, research included looking at the constellations, where they sit in the sky, their meanings and personal attributes, visibility, then matching with personalities […]

Noticing the Ignored

I have chosen Union Street in Ryde as my Road to look at. It is less than a mile from my home, and is probably one of the best known streets in Ryde, if not the whole Island. It gets closed for parades & carnivals, is the home of the international scooter rally in August, […]

Curiosity and Insight

Another fascinating lecture which has left me feeling rather overwhelmed and not quite knowing…what? I’m slightly freaked out by the brain scan film at the end, even though it was visually interesting, and wouldn’t have been out of place projected in a nightclub particularly with the music, also vaguely reminiscent of tubular bells, when the […]

The Self & Identity

I found this weeks lectures and reading materials incredibly interesting. I initially listened/read whilst getting over a nasty attack of vertigo, so will re-visit again with a clear head. But from my horizontal vertiginous position I was able to pick up a few glimpses of what influences self, out identity and who we are. I […]

Fields of Practice

10 different types of design practice today Breaking the definition of design practice I have/am really struggled with this week’s task so will upload what I initially thought is to be as well as what I understand it to be from the challenge unpacked webnair. I am suspecting that neither quite hit the mark. I […]

Industry Today

Listening to the lecture I can clearly relate some of this, particularly the technology side, to my own experience with making globes. The original method of intaglio printing left little room for error in the sphere size, so any miss shape of the ball would have been rectified by the stretch and overlapping of paper. […]