Author: naomibaisley

Talking to

I spent the day yesterday talking to people, which was extremely helpful. My morning started off with talking to Rachel, my mentor from the creative skills boot camp. We discussed a lot, partly my MA work and partly my work situation. The talk of globemaking came up a lot. I showed her my doodle map, […]

Symbolism and Imagery

During a peer group chat, I was inspired to create a mood board based on superstitions at sea; this is by no means definitive, as there is so much symbolism and imagery involved in the subject. But having a visual reference is incredibly useful. I have been doing lots of reading the past few weeks […]

Superstitions at Sea

National Museum of the Royal Navy Statement – Portsmouth Historic Dockyard At the beginning of my exploration of superstitions at sea, I started looking at several avenues of research simultaneously to open as many potential opportunities for investigation as possible. After many unsuccessful calls trying to get through to the curator at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, […]

Refine and Focus

During my intermittent break, I had the good fortune to attend a creative skills management bootcamp at Portsmouth University. After my diabolical business plan and misunderstanding of the brief for GDE730, the skills bootcamp clarified a lot for me and has helped me to refine and focus my thoughts. Part of the bootcamp was to […]

Reflection and evaluation

Over the past few weeks, I have spent some time on reflection and evaluation of my time working towards my MA. It has been a very steep personal learning journey. Some of the modules filled me with joy, and others filled me with dread.2024, in particular, felt incredibly disjointed and erratic, possibly due to my […]