Author: naomibaisley


I spent a fair amount of time trying to form a logo for my business, and never being happy with it. Initially I thought of making it a face, but that was very ugly. I thought about the …. that sally had suggestion on the ideas wall, and started fitting the name curiosity and smile […]

Week 5 Studio & Entrenpeurship

Still procrastinating as far as the business plan goes. Whilst not at the Isle of Wight Festival- Graphics on the Pet shop boys set was superb, I missed out on seeing them play in the 90’s so went along specifically to watch them. I enjoyed the moment and didn’t get my phone out to take […]

Week 4 Studio and Entrepreneurship

Design Development Languages spoken in Europe making vertical bars of a cage, each bear is separated by a bear within a bear. I used this font to further emphasised the ‘bars’ Thinking about how the bears could sit behind the bars, I think the bears behind need to be different to the bears on the […]

Week 3 Studio and Entrepreneurship

Traditional Russian stacking dolls in the form of bears For my artefact I have been thinking about the bears being nested within a container, they are currently caged within a small cell behind bars, metaphorically they will still be contained, but in a better environment once they arrive on the Isle of wight. Looking online […]

Week 2 Studio and Entrepreneurship

After Thursdays Webinair and then Fridays tutorial I decided to broaden my business Idea to be able to include the type of things I have already designed on the MA, my original idea omitted these, which seems rather counter intuitive. I am not a business person and my head swims with nothing and fuzz at […]

Week 1 Studio & Entrepreneurship

Deciding what to design?? It feels as if I need to decided what I am designing before embarking on a business plan, as what I design will inform the outcome of the business plan. I thought about designing something more conceptual than the previous module, and was going to look at the human ego and […]

Histories and Futures week 4

Research Question What is the provenance of the mythical creature, and what role could it have in engaging visitors?  Why, in modern times, do these types of mythical creatures still hold such fascination? macfarlane-castings.pdf ( After much searching plans of the pier in the records office and finding no mention or evidence of the Rydeosaur […]

Histories and Futures week 3

Nots on the back of a booklet, note to self, take a notebook next time! Write up from first visit; I caught Brian as I went in, he was chatting to one of the shop keepers in the arcade, but was very happy to to come down into the museum and chat to me. He […]

Histories and Futures week 2

With a week of chasing photos behind me, and getting my hands on the actual brief now the task of choosing a subject is pressing. Initially when Stuart mentioned finding something that has had limited critical attention I thought of the local history museum of Ryde. It is an absolute delight with knowledgeable volunteer historians, […]

Industry set week 9

I found the crit very useful, even though my presentation didn’t go quite as planned. I am going to look at Flow and Zones. John suggested I take a look at the BBC Earth Exhibition in London, so I’ve got my tickets and will be taking a look on Saturday 25th, In the meantime… I […]